
Monday, December 13, 2010

More funds for Hubli Railway Central Hospital


The Railway Board's health services has sanctioned Rs 8.5 crore more for the upgradation of operation theatres at the Railway Central Hospital-Hubli.

“The investment in Central Hospital-Hubli is part of hospital upgradation exercise being carried out in all the Railway hospitals in the country. We have advised them to go for four latest modular operation theatres,” said Dr V.K.Ramteke, Director-General (Railway Health Services), Railway Board.

Along with new operation theatres, Central Hospital-Hubli is also to get a modern ICU to cater to the region's need, he added.

The Railway Board, based on local needs, is sanctioning funds to Railway hospitals to procure medical equipment and also provide necessary infrastructure to perform advanced surgeries.

“Most Railway hospitals are now getting good ICU facilities and modular operation theatres,” he explained.

Dr Ramteke, said Railways is working out modalities with the MCI in setting up a Railway medical college at Mysore.

“Here, land is not an issue. But MCI has raised the issue of ownership.”

The Railways is pursuing Public Private Partnership model to set up medical colleges in Mysore.

“There are some technical issues like ‘dual ownership' which MCI has raised. We are in consultation with MCI and working out the modalities,” he added.
Addressing the nursing staff, Dr Ramteke said, “patient care with safety has been a sea change due to introduction of newer techniques and technology in this field. Use of newer medicines, newer equipment has necessitated the nursing staff to educate themselves on software based equipment.”

“Also importance of critically ill patient management has led to updating of overall knowledge for the staff and stated that at present nursing services have become highly accountable and full of responsibility, therefore, introduction of management techniques to increase the efficiency has become an important tool, which needs to be practiced by nursing administrators,” he added.

Dr N.Parashivamurthy, Chief Medical Director, South Western Railway, speaking on the occasion said Railway hospital has provision to empanel eminent private doctors as consultants.

“In Hubli, we have provision to nominate 10 doctors as consultants and so far seven have come on board and we are exploring three more in specialised field,” he added

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